
India to introduce Digital Rupee to bolster economy using blockchain technologies

India to introduce Digital Rupee to bolster economy using blockchain technologies

India has announced it will introduce a central bank digital currency that will be set up in 75 districts and…

February 1, 2022, 12:29 pm, GMT

Nnajiugo Nwosu, V.P. Technology of Chamco Projects spearheads firm’s movement towards Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Sr. Vice President Of Technology for Chamco Projects Nnajiugo Nwosu is shifting the company’s global ambitions toward the blockchain and…

October 28, 2021, 10:24 pm, BST

Chamco Projects’ N. Jude Nwosu discusses firm’s move into Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency

Chamco Projects Sr. Vice President of Technology N. Jude Nwosu is stepping up the company’s move into blockchain and cryptocurrencies…

October 28, 2021, 8:13 pm, BST