The 1st edition of “The Wealthy Crew Member: Simple Steps you can take to save, invest, and plan for retirement while working behind the scenes” is helping filmmakers get their finances in order.
Written by author Andre Ramirez, the book introduces a first of a kind Money Management system that is aimed specifically at film industry crew members that can factor in periods of inconsistent pay, especially for those working freelance in the entertainment business.
The book, which is tailored for entertainment industry crew professions, includes a range of practical advice that is easy to understand and broken down into steps within each chapter. For those working in set design, as gaffers, in production departments, behind the camera or even directing, there’s a wealth of knowledge contained within the book in the form of actionable goals that can be achieved while making longterm financial planning decisions.
The language of “The Wealthy Crew Member” has also been adapted into the lingo of crew member speak, so that it is aligned with an entertainment industry perspective.
Having received a host of positive reviews from crew members and film industry professionals, Ramirez brings filmmakers a greater sense of financial security, helping them to make smarter, more informed financial decisions.
With many film crews working various hours, and often in unpredictable patterns, it’s harder to be financially astute when it comes to planning ahead, and especially for retirement. This is also the case in the post-pandemic world where there have been significant changes to production schedules and the way we shoot films and TV episodes, requiring more understanding of the financial landscape and how to be resilient to changes in the economy.
From budgeting to making investments, Andre Ramirez’s latest book provides filmmakers with a comprehensive guide to financial success. Have you considered planning your financial future as a crew member?
If you’re currently worrying about money management and saving enough for the future, buy your copy of "The Wealthy Crew Member" on Amazon today and start making changes to support your longterm goals.
You can also follow the latest updates about the book on Facebook.
Source: Film Industry Network