WNI Newsroom

News aggregator and syndication platform.

WNI Newsroom


Branded newsrooms

Distribute your press release on the World News Index and create a unique, custom branded experience for readers to showcase all your latest announcements and statements in one place. Learn more below.

A corporate newsroom with style

Establish your corporate newsroom with a permanent, tailored experience on the World News Index. Create a central news channel for your brand that stands out and sits within our searchable index.

Newsroom options and integrations

A unique brand news channel with all your latest releases.

Dedicated channel
A unique news channel with a custom logo and description of your brand.
Unique RSS feed
Export your news via RSS to any owned media platform with full content.
Global news distribution
Get your newsroom content distributed across World News Index and further afield to our network of publishers globally.
Syndication from company site
Syndicate press releases from your corporate site to your WNI newsroom automatically (requires WordPress hosting and technical setup)
Searchable in news
Your newsroom profile and releases appearing in World News Index's search engine.
Rich media
Embed videos, images, social media posts and audio into your releases with no restrictions.

A newsroom like no other


See your news appear in the World News Index, permanently accessible through search.

Additional extras


Multiple newsrooms
Set up multiple newsrooms for different brands that you manage with unique channel identities and RSS feeds.
Editorial placement support
Work one-on-one with our team to increase the visibility of your newsroom press releases in additional publications.

How it works

Once you contact us, one of our team will be in touch to start the process of setting up your first newsroom.

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